Fertile Hatching Eggs, Poultry & Waterfowl continued...
Sanjak Longcrower
About our Pen
Pen is currently in the process of having numbers increased as hatching percent was not very high with my only hatching one breeding pair Mickey and Minnie. I will say I absolutely love going out to do chores and hear Mickey's long-drawn-out crow.
🌈 Skittles 🌈
About our Pen
Our Rainbow 🌈 is an assortment of beautiful egg colors collected from all our pure pens giving you a colorful collection of pure layers.
Olive Eggers
About our Pen
Our Pen breeds consist of F1, F2, F3, and F4 Olive Eggers covered by 2 olive egger roos. This pen does have a 50% chance of frizzle.
Salmon Favorelles
About our Pen
Our Salmon Faverolles are large fowl with a beard, muffs, feathered legs and feet, and fifth toe. Males are straw-colored with reddish brown and black markings. Females are a creamy white and salmon brown. Very docile and sweet breed on our homestead and so cute.
Chocolate Heritage Turkeys
About our Pen
Who doesn't love Chocolate that dark savory sweetness, oh wait we are talking about Turkeys whoops! These guys are absolutely beautiful and BIG as they are already towering over my bourbon reds in size and still not full grown. We should be laying this Spring I'm so excited.
Bourbon Red Turkeys
About our Pen
Oh, how I love my Bourbon Reds these guys are quite the characters on the homestead and always begging for treats and attention. They are always in my business and making sure I notice them when outside working on projects.
Welsh Harlequin Ducks
About our Pen
Our Welsh Harlequins are our only ducks on the homestead and make an enjoyable addition. They are an auto sexing breed which mean you can pretty much sex them at birth up to 3 days old with about 80% accuracy. Males after hatch will have a dark bill and females will have a light color bill with black tip.
Indiana Blue Peafowl
Our Indian Blue?Pied Peafowls just started laying Spring 2023 very excited for these babies. Our head cock Comet is definatly making it known in the pen with his calls...
French Black Copper Marans
These feather legged beauties are our darkest layers here on the homestead making a great addition to those beautiful rainbow egg baskets.